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Amended Memorandum Opinion and Order on Applications for Compensation for the Period of January 2, 2014, Through February 29, 2016, and Reimbursement of Expenses by the Law Firm of Jones Walker LLP as Counsel to Kristina M. Johnson, Trustee of the Estate

Wednesday, May 3, 2017
In Re: 
Community Home Financial Services, Inc.
District Location: 
Southern District
Case No.: 
BK #: 12-01703-NPO
Full Title: 
Amended Memorandum Opinion and Order on Applications for Compensation for the Period of January 2, 2014, Through February 29, 2016, and Reimbursement of Expenses by the Law Firm of Jones Walker LLP as Counsel to Kristina M. Johnson, Trustee of the Estate of Community Home Financial Services, Inc.