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Memorandum Opinion and Order: (1) Consolidating Hearing; (2) Granting Motion for Default Judgment; (3) Issuing Permanent Injunction; and (4) Awarding Damages

Thursday, February 4, 2021
In Re: 
Heritage Real Estate Investment, Inc. and J Stephen Smith, Chapter 7 Trustee vs. Bishop Luke Edwards
District Location: 
Southern District
Case No.: 
Adv. #: 20-00034-NPO
Adv. #: 20-00035-NPO
BK #: 14-03603-NPO
BK #: 16-01156-NPO
Full Title: 
Memorandum Opinion and Order: (1) Consolidating Hearing; (2) Granting Motion for Default Judgment; (3) Issuing Permanent Injunction; and (4) Awarding Damages