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Memorandum Opinion and Order (1) Denying Defendant Mississippi Department of Revenue’s Amended Motion to Dismiss; (2) Denying Motion to Strike; and (3) Granting the Mississippi Department of Revenue’s Motion for Leave to Amend Motion for Summary Judgment

Friday, August 8, 2014
In Re: 
Mickey Dale Fugitt and Rhonda Lou Fugitt vs. Mississippi Department of Revenue
District Location: 
Southern District
Case No.: 
Adv. #: 13-00098-NPO
BK #: 13-03094-NPO
Full Title: 
Memorandum Opinion and Order (1) Denying Defendant Mississippi Department of Revenue’s Amended Motion to Dismiss; (2) Denying Motion to Strike; and (3) Granting the Mississippi Department of Revenue’s Motion for Leave to Amend Motion for Summary Judgment or in the Alternative Waive Requirement of Local Rule