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Order: (1) Consolidating Motions for Relief Into Adversary; (2) Granting Plaintiff's Second Amended Motion for Leave to File Amended Complaint; (3) Setting Deadlines related to Amendment of Motion to Dismiss; and (4) Setting Evidentiary Hearing on Amended

Monday, January 14, 2019
In Re: 
Percy A. Seaberry vs. Cenlar FSB, CMG Mortgage, Inc., and SNL Company
District Location: 
Southern District
Case No.: 
Adv. #: 18-00044-NPO
BK #: 17-04570-NPO
Full Title: 
Order: (1) Consolidating Motions for Relief Into Adversary; (2) Granting Plaintiff's Second Amended Motion for Leave to File Amended Complaint; (3) Setting Deadlines related to Amendment of Motion to Dismiss; and (4) Setting Evidentiary Hearing on Amended Motion to Dismiss