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Order Denying: (1) Motion for Leave to File Documents in Support of World Health Industries, Inc.'s Proof of Claim Under Seal and (2) Motion for Leave to File Document in Support of World Health Industries, Inc.'s Objection to Motion for an Order

Tuesday, June 7, 2016
In Re: 
Opus Management Group Jackson LLC, ET AL
District Location: 
Southern District
Case No.: 
BK #: 16-00297-NPO
Full Title: 
Order Denying: (1) Motion for Leave to File Documents in Support of World Health Industries, Inc.'s Proof of Claim Under Seal and (2) Motion for Leave to File Document in Support of World Health Industries, Inc.'s Objection to Motion for an Order Approving Settlement Among Certain Debtors, M. Chad Barrett and John Adams, D. O. Under Seal