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Order Dismissing Order to Show Cause; Sustaining Trustee's Objection to Proof of Claim No. 11 Filed by Bruce L. Johnson; Sustaining Trustee's Objection to Proof of Claim No. 13 Filed by William Harrison on Behalf of Johnson, ET AL; and Sustaining Trustee

Thursday, March 29, 2018
In Re: 
Heritage Real Estate Investment, Inc.; Alabama-Mississippi Farm, Inc.
District Location: 
Southern District
Case No.: 
BK #: 14-03603-NPO
BK #: 16-01156-NPO
Full Title: 
Order Dismissing Order to Show Cause; Sustaining Trustee's Objection to Proof of Claim No. 11 Filed by Bruce L. Johnson; Sustaining Trustee's Objection to Proof of Claim No. 13 Filed by William Harrison on Behalf of Johnson, ET AL; and Sustaining Trustee's Objection to Proof of Claim No. 2 Filed on Behalf of William Harrison, Bruce Johnson and Michael L. King